Currently, the total majority of judges appointed by judges for accidents belongs to the category of independent. At the same time, it must be understood that it is better to order an independent automotive technique on your own immediately after the road incident, since its more efficient conduct will allow you to get more reliable results, since many traces can be identified only while they are fresh. In addition, it should be borne in mind that independent examinations appointed by judges are not free. In any case, the amount spent on the implementation of this procedure, regardless of its contractor, may additionally be included in the claim.
How should the correct automotive technology examination be carried out?
In most cases, an expert automotive technology examination is carried out in two stages, which have their special importance. First of all, experts are examined by a vehicle, after which an act of inspection is drawn up. Further, the amount of damage with the detailed calculation of the accurate calculations is determined.
At the first stage of automotive examination, experts are examined by a vehicle with photographing all recorded defects and deficiencies, as well as fixing the general condition of the car with the introduction of all the necessary data into a special act, including a description of the technical characteristics of transport, a complete list of all damage and their nature, as well as Expert’s conclusion regarding inspection results. Such an inspection should be carried out very carefully, since damage not recorded by the expert will have to be restored independently. At the same time, experienced specialists in this area are added to the list of repair work, preliminary calculation of the cost of components, assessment of adjustment and repair work, as well as possible recommendations regarding diagnostics. True, if any problems with cars that were visually impossible to determine are already detected during the repair, then they should be recorded by a separate act.
The first stage of automotive examination is the main and very difficult, so it should be carried out only by highly professional experts. The second stage of autoexpertiza is a peculiar result of all this operation, suggesting a calculation of the cost of damage and potential repair work. In the course of compiling the estimates by experts, emphasis should be placed on the existing regulatory and technical documentation, which allows the required calculation. The technology of calculating damage should take into account the actual and current price level.