2.4 C
Пятница, 10 января, 2025

Correct choice of mirror for a car

The mirror is not only one of the components of the car, but also the elegant element of any car. When choosing a mirror, try to purchase the highest quality sample, as it will always decorate your car and, accordingly, your reflection in the way. Mirror manufacture is a very laborious work. Each of them usually consists of glass itself and silver oxide spraying on it, and then it is covered with paint. Not every manufacturer will be able to create mirrors that can compete with world standards, with world qualities. In connection with the spread of fraud, it is necessary to distinguish between bona fide manufacturers and deceivers, who can instead of silver cover the mirrors with a conventional layer of cheap aluminum. Due to the high sensitivity of aluminum to the environment, it darkens over time, loses its color, brightness and can be covered with spots. Due to this, the mirror will quickly deteriorate and lose the proper appearance. When buying, you should inspect it from all sides, as well as ask about the presence of a certificate confirming the quality of the goods. After drawing a hand on the mirror, pay attention to the fact that the surface is very smooth. You can also use nitric acid. Wet a cotton swab with the help of it and leave it for an hour. After deleting the swab, everything should become clear. You will immediately understand the high -quality coating on this mirror. In any case, when any questions arise, you can always contact specialists who will help you choose a high-quality, preferred by you, your tastes, mirror. Successful purchase!

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