The most important task of any homeowner is to provide his home with warmth in cold weather. The heating system should be thought out in advance and have the main qualities: effectiveness and reliability.
Any type of heating system has both advantages and disadvantages. Depending on the energy of the energy carrier, they distinguish:
air heating systems;
The use of open fire (fireplaces and furnaces) as heating is also allowed subject to all the necessary fire safety standards.
It will be correct to take into account the availability and accessibility of the necessary fuel raw materials in the issue of heating. The energy carrier should be easily accessible, and the consumption of the system is economical.
Air heating system
This type of heating simplifies the operation of the system and creates a comfortable microclimate.
The following advantages are inherent:
high performance;
There is no need for additional heating elements;
binding to the temperature control system;
Due to the low inertiality, the premises are heated efficiently and quickly.
In addition to the advantages, the following shortcomings can be noted: such a system can be installed only at the stage of construction of a private house, requires increased attention and care, mandatory presence of UPS.
Electric heating system
Used as the main and additional heating. Many love the “warm floor” system, where the electric current is allowed through the cables, and uniform heating of the entire heated surface is carried out. Such heating methods are constantly being improved, so each time the savings become more noticeable.
Pros: a simple design, there is no excretion of harmful substances, electrical devices can be easily transferred to different rooms.
Cons: high tariffs for electricity, there is no light — then there is no heating, air is dried.
Water heating system
Heating using a water system is widespread and popular. It includes: boiler, radiators, pipelines, pump, a device for supplying air to the combustion chamber, the device responsible for removing combustion products.
The water system has a closed circuit, a boiler serves as a heating element. The most common combination in private houses is a gas boiler with a water heating system.
Pros: the availability of the coolant, the volume of water in the system does not change, the possibility of independent arrangement.
Cons: periodic maintenance of radiators, more time for warming up, leaks and pipelines of pipes occur, optimal water quality without rust and impurities particles and impurities.
How to choose a boiler
Distinguish between single -circuit and double -circuit. In the first version, the work of the boiler is aimed at heating, for hot water supply, an additional connection of an indirect heating boiler is required. In the second option — the need is closed, both in heating and in hot water for household needs. These two processes are independent of each other.
Boilers differ in the type of fuel consumed. The most inexpensive and convenient is gas. This type of boilers have an efficiency of 95%. But the ability to connect the central gas is not always there, therefore, the second place is occupied by boilers operating solid fuel (coal, peat, briquettes, firewood, etc.) and liquid (diesel fuel, waste oil).
There are also electric boilers, but not everyone can pay large amounts for electricity. In addition, there are standards for the release of electricity for a housing facility. But you can save with the help of additional sources — solar panels, windmills, etc.
After the type of heating equipment is chosen, it is necessary to choose the power of the boiler. To cope with the heating of the entire area of the house, you need a lot of power. The low -power boiler will immediately prove itself in the cold time, so you need to make power calculations and add a small supply to it.
The choice of radiators
On the market their large assortment. A few decades ago, there was no worthy replacement of cast -iron batteries, but today the radiators have very modified and have gained effective characteristics. Apply the following types of radiators:
Steel and aluminum appliances have less weight than their predecessors — cast -iron batteries, quickly warmed up, a high heating transfer indicator and harmonious design. Bimetallic ones — combine the best qualities of steel and aluminum, which further increases heat transfer.
Each of the above devices is equipped with a temperature control sensor, which increases comfort in each room.
Warm floors
Allow you to carry out heating in separate sections of the house, even very small in area, where there is no place for radiators, for example, a bathroom or a small balcony. With the help of them you can zone the room, so in the nursery you can equip only a playing area with warm floors. Such a heating system is combined with many floor coverings, is not visually visually visible, creates a particularly pleasant heating when warm air from below, and as it moves upwards, becomes more fresh. This heating method is the most favorable for health and does not dry the human mucous membranes.
Do not forget that no matter what method of heating and equipment is selected, the installation process should be of high quality with thoughtful details.