8.7 C
Пятница, 7 марта, 2025

Home solar collectors

The sun is a source of life, warmth and light on planet Earth, the center of our galaxy. With the development of science and technology, people decided to take its gifts by nature. Solar energy is no exception, it has become a fundamental factor in the opening of a new section of science — helioenergetics. To obtain solar energy, special heliomations are used. Those attitudes that can convert the resulting energy into thermal. This technology is the basis of solar collectors for the home. The most technically simple method of heat production is considered to be the collection of solar heat using heli -colleagues used to heat water and heating systems.

Ways to use the energy of the Sun

Solar energy can be used passively or actively. In the first case of the use of solar energy, consumption is carried out by certain elements of the building itself, while you can not even use auxiliary elements. This method is also the cheapest option, but when using it, heat supply will be uneven. A clear example of passive use of solar energy is glazed balconies, verandas, greenhouses, foam -covered greenhouses, painted with a black container for heating water in a hot season.

In Western countries there is a whole direction in construction — «passive house». They are already in the initial stages of the construction of the house thinks about heat conservation in the winter, and preventing strong heating in summer, which will subsequently help maintain the family budget from large expenses for utilities.

There are some rules for the construction of a “passive house”, which further leads to the desired result: thermal insulation of all elements, the installation of high -quality glazing. The rules also relate to the projects of the houses themselves: the walls of the north side of the house make minimally permissible sizes, in addition, they insulate well, and the walls of the south side, on the contrary, try to build large sizes, while glazing as much as possible.

The active way to use solar energy is more common due to greater efficiency. With him, solar energy before admission to consumers is collected and modified to the thermal, with the values ​​we need on special devices. From these devices, heat energy is constantly entered using heat transmitters to consumers or batteries. This type of use of energy from the sun implies auxiliary devices such as: electric motors, pumps. Active exploitation of solar energy allows you to smoothly supply the necessary energy resources in housing.

Solar collectors for heating a house. Types of collectors

Scientifically proven and often used there are two types of helium -colleagues: flat and tubular.

A flat heli -electrone consists of a heat -insulated box, protected by anti -jacket glass. Below the box is thermal insulated. Heat -absorbing panels covered with a special solution are fixed in the box, the absorption indicator of which is 0.95. Metal tubes are attached to the plate, the coolant moves along them. The coolant in simple collectors is water or air, after heating, which are used in everyday life, this method is called an open contour. These systems are used in territories with a temperate climate or in the warm season. In complex helium -collectors, the coolant is antifreeze. It flows through a closed chain, the principle of which is comparable to water heating when using a boiler. The surface of the contact of the tubes with the plate is the energy transmitter to the coolant. Therefore, they try to increase this connecting area due to the rectangular section of the tubes or stamping of special grooves for tubes. The principle of operation of such a collector is based as follows: the rays of the sun, falling on the box, are absorbed by the absorbent, he gives the received thermal energy to the tubes. In the tubes, the coolants are heated and it is transferred to the collecting container, which, in turn, gives all the heat received to the battery.

Tubular helium -collectors find their consumers in many successful countries in Europe and America. In appearance, this is a flat box with glass tubes inside. On a closed area, a vacuum is created, to minimize heat loss. The outer part of the inner pipe is covered with a special selective heat absorber. The most productive tubular collectors are based on heat pipes. The productivity of the tube helium -colleagues is higher than flat, however, they also have more price. Tubular collectors cannot be used at negative temperatures.

Water supply system

A boiler of large volumes during hot water supply from heli-colleagues is a compliance tank. It is made of high -quality metal or stainless steel. With the use of heating on heliocollectors, auxiliary heating is also provided using electricity or traditional heat sources.

Heating systems on heliocollectors can be classified:

by the number of contours;

by type of coolant movement.

The price of the system itself is also formed from these indicators.

Single -circuit collectors are used in the warm season or in territories where there are no cold winters. Double -circuit water supply systems are used all year round.

On the principle of movement of the coolant, two methods of circulation are distinguished: natural and forced.

With natural circulation, the battery should be placed above the collector itself. In the case when such an installation is impossible or irrational, the tank is located anywhere and the pump is installed — forced circulation.

Heli -collectors can be produced in different variations. For example, for heating 250 liters of hot water per day, 3 high -tech flat manifolds will be needed.

In most cases, solar collectors are fixed on the roofs on the south side of the buildings, sometimes installed by separate structures. Also, during installation, it is necessary to observe the angle of inclination of the collectors. The performance of collectors can decrease under adverse weather conditions (cloudy, rain, snow), as well as in the dark.

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