0.2 C
Воскресенье, 12 января, 2025


Build a reservoir on a summer cottage or personal plot is the cherished dream of many owners, as it gives coolness on a hot day, helps to create a comfortable microclimate in the surrounding area and moisturizes the air. In addition, an artificial reservoir is a wonderful decoration of the site and a great place to relax. You can build a pond in a dacha in absolutely any size, but the main thing is that it fit the landscape design of the interior as accurately as possible and does not require particularly difficult care.

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Features of the construction of the pond: choice of place and materials

1. Choose a place for the construction of a reservoir, but it is necessary:

— Avoid excessive shade and too intense lighting of the surface of the water with direct rays of the sun, as this contributes to the growth of duckweed and algae.

— Place the pond further from tall shrubs and trees, since the leaves pollute water.

— Provide for the construction of a retaining wall or find a protected place from the wind.

— The optimal solution is to arrange a reservoir near the house.

2. Selection of materials for the pond. To build a water pond, you need to use a special technology, thanks to which it will be possible to create a natural ecosystem. In addition, a special technique is needed, with which you need to prepare a foundation pit.

For the construction of a small pond, you can use composite materials, reinforced concrete or polyethylene film. For example, if you build a pond from reinforced concrete, it will ensure strength, long -term operation and will allow you to obtain a stable design of the desired size. Most often, such a pond is made rectangular or square, since the complex form requires special formwork and increases the complexity of work. The construction of a concrete bowl is very expensive, and with its large sizes you will need a special technique, which will entail additional costs.

The cheapest material for the construction of a country pond is, of course, PVC film. This design is not limited when choosing forms and is very easily dismantled, but such a pond can last no more than 1 season.

— Boutylum rubber. This material is characterized by greater strength and cost than the film, but it is able to withstand heavy loads and last more than 3 years.

— Purchase a finished container, install and arrange a decorative pond with plants, fish and so on.

After that, you can start digging a pit and install a bowl from the selected material.


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