8.7 C
Пятница, 7 марта, 2025

Compulsory car insurance

The acquisition of a new car, whether it is a new foreign car or a used domestic model, is always a big event. It is difficult to describe the feelings of a motorist when he first gets behind the wheel of a newly acquired car, and drives it as not as a potential buyer, but the owner.

However, in order to become the full owner of the vehicle, it is necessary to draw up an impressive package of documents for him. Among other things, the list of compulsory documents includes the insurance policy of OSAGO. There are usually no problems with the issuance of the policy — almost every insurance company is ready to offer to quickly purchase such a policy in quite convenient ways: in the office, by phone, on the Internet, with home delivery.

Of course, it is better to purchase a compulsory insurance policy in well -proven large companies that have existed for more than one year. On the Internet there are resources devoted to car insurance issues where you can study the catalog of insurance companies, their proposals, and also find out consumer opinions about a particular organization. One of these resources is the portal on insurance of the insurance case, which presents the base of all insurance companies in Russia, their rating and various calculators to calculate the most favorable proposals by the regions. Buying a policy in any well -known insurance organization will cost a little more, but this overpayment will more than pay off in case of an insured event — after all, all issues with payments will be resolved quickly and without problems. For example, by acquiring compulsory insurance of Rosno for your car, you can be sure that in the case of an accident, all formalities will be performed by employees of the insurer in the shortest possible time.

There is another type of vehicle insurance — CASCO. The acquisition of such a policy is a purely voluntary matter and in no case eliminates the need to acquire an insurance policy. The only case when it is imperative to purchase a CASCO is the design of a car on credit. Then the bank, most likely, will demand to insure the car throughout the entire loan term. However, despite the fact that the CASCO policy usually costs a lot of money, there is a certain benefit: after all, in case of theft or the impossibility of repairing the vehicle, few people will want to pay for several more years large amounts provided for by the loan schedule for a car, which is actually already No.

In addition, there is always an option to save: the CASCO calculation is made based on the actual market value of the car. And this cost is reduced every year, therefore, having reassessed the car in the company accredited by the bank, you can significantly reduce the cost of the purchased CASCO policy. Many companies also offer the purchase of CASCO in installments.

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