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Суббота, 11 января, 2025

Feng Shui bedroom

Healthy sleep, high -quality rest, good mood depends on our bedroom and microclimate, which we create there, equipping its space. So that the bedroom is comfortable, and you do not feel any, even the slightest discomfort, spending time in it, fully rested after a working day, experts advise adhering to several simple recommendations.

Feng Shui bedrooms

The shape of the room where the bedroom is located should be correct — square, rectangular. If there are sharp corners in the room, then try to hide them with a screen, curtain, and plants.

The bedroom should not be near the front door so that street noise does not interfere with your rest. It is also not very good if the bedroom is adjacent to the toilet or kitchen.

Do not choose a passage room for a sleeping room.

In order to maintain mutual understanding in the family and prevent positive energy from leaving, the bedroom door of the bedroom should not go to another door.

Do not fantasize too much with the shape of the windows, the ceiling, inventing the intricate design. It is better if the windows are standard, and the ceiling is even and without beams.

It is not advisable to hang blinds in the bedroom. Curtains, curtains made of soft natural fabrics are much more suitable here.

A lot of mirrors, mirror surfaces is also a non -shiny idea for this room. According to experts in fengh, they accumulate energy in themselves, including negative. And waking up in the morning, you will get it back.

When equipping the sleeping space, refuse to accumulate technology — put a TV, a music center in the living room, and the computer in the office.

Be sure to divide the bedroom, nevertheless, also performing the function of the office.

The most stringent requirements in the bedroom are presented furniture, and especially beds. The room should not be too cluttered with furniture. It is necessary to arrange it «correctly», regarding the location of the bed. The sharp corners of the cabinets and other furniture do not direct towards the bed. This negatively affects a sleeping person. Do not put the bed itself opposite the front door — a very unsuccessful pose — to sleep with your feet to the entrance. As well as near the window-firstly, you will protect yourself from drafts, and, secondly, violent energy flows will not bring conflicts and anxiety into your life. Optimal location — diagonally from the entrance. Moreover, preferably not in the middle of the room, but at the wall or in the niche. This will give a feeling of security and tranquility. Only behind the wall of the berth should not be located a bathroom. The main distinctive features of the bed are strength and convenience. Therefore, it is better to purchase a bed on stable legs.

Additional symbol of confidence and protection — back. Do not put too many things in boxes under the bed, especially old and not very necessary for you. The approach to the bed should be free. And, if the murders are married, then it should stand in such a way that the spouses can freely approach her from two sides.

Ideal material for bed and furniture in general — wood. Since it is environmentally friendly, natural material. Bed linen for the bed and covers for furniture should not be bright colorful colors or with aggressive patterns, drawings.

Do not get carried away in the bedroom with images on water subjects, and also contraindicated in this room aquarium. The element of the bedroom is not water at all.

The color scheme is preferable to light, pastel colors. And the light should not be a sharp and irritating eye. Make a luxurious chandelier with bright lamps for the living room, and matte lighting, moderate calm light of floor lamps, wall lamps are suitable for the bedroom.

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