Today, on a personal or summer cottage area, you cannot do without helpers such as electric cultivators who will replace many workers. The choice of this technique should be approached deliberately, given the following nuances: performance; energy costs or energy intensity; angle of inclination; equipment with additional devices and attachments.
It is worth considering how these factors affect the choice of a cultivator. The impact of productivity, taking into account the area of the garden, you can buy a cultivator of an electric different performance. This factor of the device, as well as its cost, is influenced by the width of the capture of the workers and the engine power. To decide on the desired performance, it is worth dividing the processed territory into areas, which can conditionally indicate as: small-10-20 acres; medium — not more than 100 acres; large — more than 100 acres; mixed-20-30 acres, but having different areas of application.
For small areas, you can consider both amateur and semi -professional models with a capacity of 6 horsepower. For the second and third groups of territories, you can consider models with a capacity of 20 horsepower, with additional attachments. These models can process an area of more than one hundred acres, but here it is worth taking into account the power of the motor. For mixed territories, one can consider both simple and complex models of cultivators, focusing on their power and purpose. The effect of energy intensity of energy intensity is calculated as the ratio of power to the weight of the device, and shows the savings of its operation. Energy intensity can conditionally be divided into: low — 0.07 liters. With. for each kg of the weight of the device; normal — 0.1 l. With. on kg; high — more than 0.1 l. With. on kg.
This factor can become decisive when choosing a cultivator. The influence of the angle of inclination cultivator must have the ability to work in an inclined plane. Some devices models have an angle of inclination of not more than 20 degrees, and there are multifunctional models with a large angle. It all depends on the location of the engine valve head. Also, when buying a cultivator, you can take into account the presence of reverse, which will facilitate the operation of the device in a complex area with the presence of turns, potholes, bumps and so on. The reverse models are more severe models, which are also multifunctional. It is necessary to find for yourself among these units of a faithful assistant, and then work on a personal or a summer cottage will turn into a fairy tale.