-1.4 C
Вторник, 7 января, 2025

How to stay healthy?

The car today is a very comfortable and convenient means. However, few, except, of course, “veterans” drivers, know that a car can cause health problems. And now we are not talking about an accident, but about the nuances of driving your own car, which are invisible at first glance. Consider them in more detail. The main and at the same time most easily experienced problem is colds. The fact is that in the salon and on the street the temperature varies significantly. This factor usually causes diseases both in winter and in the summer. In addition, the likelihood of a cold can be increased by drafts that arose as a result of driving with open windows. Therefore, the driver must rent outer clothing when going to the car and wear it when exit, as well as ensure the absence of a draft. Also among the ailments of motorists are widespread diseases of the spine. The most serious of them are associated with the lumbar and cervical departments. As a result, the driver begins to suffer from headaches, numbness of the limbs, pinches of nerves and other unpleasant symptoms. You can prevent ailments by paying more attention to sports, massages, you also need to use a special orthopedic mattress for sleeping. The third common problem is heart disease. This is due to the abundance of stress in modern road situations. Rudeness and traffic jams are an integral part of today’s traffic: trailers, taxi drivers, newcomers-all this can quickly get out of themselves. There is only one solution here-to put up and not pay attention, being distracted by anything else.

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