5.3 C
Воскресенье, 9 марта, 2025

Saab car manufacturer resumed the work of his plant in the Swedish city of TrollHettan.

Production at the plant was stopped on April 6 of this year due to the presence of debts of the concern for suppliers of components. Until May 27, the company worked in test mode, this was required to control the equipment after prolonged downtime and conduct the necessary setting. Simultaneously with the launch of the conveyor, the plant was visited by representatives of Pang DA (China), which signed with Spyker, the owner of the SAAB brand, a memorandum of understanding, which reads the joint production of Swedish cars (several models, among them — one truck) and their distribution). According to the agreement, the Chinese must provide Saab-U 110 million euros, 30 of which the owners of the famous brand have already mastered. In the spring of 2011, Saab announced partnership with the Hawtai Motor Group, a car manufacturer in China. But in May, the Government of the PRC forced the company to abandon cooperation with Europeans without providing the appropriate permission. As a result of the partnership, the Swedes expected to receive 150 million euros from the Hawtai Corporation, which planned to pay off the suppliers of components. In addition to the above, Saab hoped to sell real estate owned by the Russian businessman to the concern Vladimir Antonov. It was also planned to put the debts to suppliers from the sale of funds, but such a transaction is impossible without the consent of the European Investment Bank, he, in turn, has not yet made a final decision on this issue.

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