5.9 C
Воскресенье, 9 марта, 2025

Septress roof — eastern ease and European thoroughness


An unusual and interesting tent roof, the design of which, frankly, is quite complicated — a great way to give your house an individuality. It looks very impressive, and it is possible to do it with your own hands — of course, you need to take on it, having at least a little experience in construction.

How to make a calculation correctly?

Methods of self -assembly of the frame

First, let’s learn in more detail what is this type of roofing structure. In simple language, these are four triangles or pyramids converging by the peaks at one point. The base of such a roof structure has the shape of a square. Exactly the same roof geometry can be seen on the «ancestors» of our current main character — eastern tents.

Despite all the complexity of the design, the device of such a roof is much more economical than the construction of other nickname roofs. The reason for this is the absence of pediments and the need to use long elements in the rafter structure. Construction and installation of a tent roof requires compliance with symmetry. Since the design is based on a square, all the slopes of the roof will be the same. Therefore, in order to find out the size of the future roof, it will be enough for us to calculate the area of ​​only one “petal” of the roof and multiply the result by four.

To begin with, we need to resurrect the school geometry in memory — or rather, the formula for calculating the area of ​​the triangle. From the whole variety of formulas, we choose the simplest, in which the calculations are made on the basis of the height (the line passing from the top of the figure to the base at a right angle) and the length of the base). So, let’s say that the length of the base (it is the length of the wall of the house) is 8 meters, and the height of the base is 3.5 m. According to the formula, we change these two parameters and get 28, and then divide the result by 2 — therefore, the area of ​​one petal is 14 m2. We multiply the resulting area by four and come to a result of 56 m2 — the total size of all the stingrays excluding cornice overhangs.

The distance from the cornice overhang to the wall of the house should be at least three tens of centimeters.

Now we need to find out the area of ​​cornice overhang. In this case, we need a formula for calculating the area of ​​the trapezoid. According to her, to find the area of ​​the figure, you need to add the length of its two bases, divide the resulting amount by 2 and multiply by a height. The height of the trapezoid is carried out from any vertex of the trapezoid to the base at a right angle.

We know the length of one base — it is 8 m, which means that we need to calculate the length of the second. To begin with, schematically depict one facade on a convenient scale, and extend the roof slope on it to the desired length (given the slope of the roof). Suppose that its length was 50 cm. Now we calculate the distance from the end of the slope to the wall. For example, you got a distance of 40 cm. Since our trapezoid is isosceles, on the other side of the facade of the house, the distance will turn out exactly the same. Therefore, the length of a larger base will be 8.8 m. The height of our trapezoid will be 30 cm (this is easy to calculate by the Pythagoras formula or simply measure). Now we add 8 and 8.8, divide by 2 and get 8.2 and multiply by 0.3. As a result of these actions, we get 2.46 m2 — the area of ​​one of the four trapezoids. Therefore, the area of ​​all four will be 9.84 m2. Add to them 56 m2 and get 65.84 m2 — the area of ​​our roof.

From calculations to action — how the rafter system of the tent roof is made?

Septress roof over the gazebo

The rafters of such a roof can be inhabited or hanging. The second type of arrangement is very complicated technically and it is practically not used. It is used only if in the room for some reason there are no internal load-bearing walls, and the support for the roof structure will serve exclusively external walls. Such a system will “burst out” the walls and to reduce the load, it will require installation of puffs.

The tent roof needs layered rafters. When installing such a system, the roof, in addition to the external walls, will rely on the internal supporters, and, therefore, the “bursting” load will minimize. The rafter system in such a roof consists of the following structural elements:

Mauerlat (supporting bars passing around the perimeter of the house);

diagonal rafters (located in the four corners of the building and converge in the skate node);

rafter legs (attached to diagonal rafters);

sub -horseshoes (serve as supports for rafter legs);

additional supports that make the design more rigid.

On their own and without unnecessary costs? — Easily

So, we begin to install the roof. First of all, Mauerlat is placed. If we are talking about a house from gas blocks, its styling is carried out on an armo -pile, into which threaded connections (studs) are mounted. Then lay the lies — additional supports connecting the opposite walls, as well as the boards on which builders will walk.

The next stage is the installation of diagonal rafters. First of all, beams of two diagonally opposite corners are raised and connected to the skating node, or, in other words, at the top of the roof. At the same time, experienced builders do not recommend making inserts in the Mauerlat, since this can weaken it. For this reason, the rack must be attached to the broken beam. After the first pair of rafters was installed, the second is mounted and all four diagonal racks are finally fastened to each other. To ensure the maximum possible reliability of the structure, it is strengthened by a beam that extends from the skate node to the center of the base of the roofing «pyramid».

Then the rafter legs are mounted or, as they are still called, people who have and struts. In order for the joints of the rafters to be as reliable as possible, special metal plates are used for their fasteners. If necessary, the sprenigs are installed, connecting the two shoulders of the Mauerlat and serve as additional supports for diagonal rafters.

After the rafter system was assembled, you can start further work. The waterproofing film is laid on the rafters, and then the counterparty is stuffed. Roofing material is attached to it, after which, if necessary, the roof is insulated.

On this our story about the installation of the roof made in the form of a tent ends. You can decide and build this beautiful and spectacular design on your own, however, if funds allow, it is better to entrust its construction to professionals.

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