4.6 C
Суббота, 11 января, 2025

Stucked stove — whether a special «recipe» is needed?

The Russian stove is not just a way of heating many private houses, but a tradition that has been rooted in the country since ancient times. But such a subject of life, in addition to its “sacred” function, is a huge problem when decorating the room, because the stucco is required, which would stand for a long time and did not give in to high temperatures. For centuries, the process of stucco of the furnace has improved and today there are a lot of options for how to finish the stove cheaply, beautiful and for many years.

Stucked stove — choosing the correct mixture for finishing

Before you start the finish, it is worth remembering that the usual solution with which you processed the walls and ceiling is not suitable for stucco, and the solution for external wall plaster is also not appropriate, since it will be in just a few days to crack and partially crumble.

Professionals use several options for plasters for such a thing, the most popular of which have the following proportions:

1 portion of sand and one clay + approximately 4-5% asbestos powder. This solution is the simplest and most affordable, it requires a minimum of means, but has dubious strength qualities, as it can crack over time;

Two portions of sand and 1 part of the clay, it is also worth adding another part of the extinguished lime. By adding bashized lime to the future solution, the mixture for plaster furnaces acquires solid strength. Like the first option, it is quite cheap;

Sand and clay will be compiled in a ratio of 1 to 1 then two parts of cement are kneaded (it is better to add about 6-7% of asbestos to the resulting suspension). Intended for plastering both brick furnaces and those that have iron elements. Such a suspension has increased adhesion, very solid strength indicators and does not crumble over time. The disadvantages include a fairly high cost due to the cement base and the addition of asbestos;

clay plus lime with the addition of a similar number of sand and fiberglass. These kopmontents interfere in equal proportions. Such furnace plaster will be quite expensive, but its price is argued, since the material is of solid strength, absolutely resistance to any temperatures. Due to the use of fiberglass, the future plaster will not crack even after a solid period of time.

Stucco of the stove and the tricks of professionals

Plastering of a brick furnace is a process quite complicated from the point of view of applying the material and compliance with all the rules so that the plaster does not sprinkle in the future, and also does not lag behind the hot walls of the stove.

So that your work does not “exfoliate” later, it is necessary to use simple, but effective measures:

Attach a metal lattice to the wall wall, which then simply dashes;

Under the plaster, place a burlap, which is pre -soaked in a solution of clay or lime;

Add salt to plaster (it is necessary if the stove is rarely used and moisture is present in the room) so that the material does not absorb moisture;

apply plaster with several layers with a small frequency.

Many professionals are used by special drainers, which are often used for drying Moroccan plasters and wallpapers. Thanks to drainage, your stucco will dry out much faster and evenly, which will protect from possible cracks.

Stucco of the furnace is a rather complicated technological process that cannot be carried out by conventional mixtures for processing brick walls, drywall and other alternative materials. If you do everything correctly and according to the basic rules of finishing the stove, then your plaster will last more than a dozen years!

Stucco stove as a process and subtleties of this «craft»

Before direct plastering of the surface, it is necessary to clean the future surface of finishing materials, dirt and other components that can cause the exfoliation of the material. Next, you should reliably fix the metal mesh to the furnace in any way convenient for you. This can be done even without amendments to the perfect evenness of the material, since everything is then leveled directly by plaster.

After this stage is made, it is necessary to apply the prepared and carefully stirred plaster in 2-3 layers (somewhere in 3-4 mm thick) and let it survive for a couple of hours, and then apply another layer and precisely flatter.

The corners will be a special difficulty in decorating the stove, since their alignment requires quite a lot of labor costs. To do this, you can use the iron corners that are sold in any construction store. It is important to remember that it is impossible to buy plastic corners that are used in gypsum -plastic decoration — plaster will heat up to extremely high temperatures that melt it.

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