As of November, the month of 2011, it is difficult to determine what the cheapest gasoline in the world depends on the dollar exchange rate in countries and on the latest contradictory statistical data coming from different continents. There is only one thing obvious — motorists of all countries will not stop driving less if gasoline will rise sharply and vice versa.
According to CNN Money is the cheapest gasoline in the world in Venezuela, where its cost is about three cents (less than a ruble), and in Kuwait — about six cents, which are dreamed of European motorists.
According to the GTC international rating company, the cheapest gasoline in the world in Turkmenistan is 2 centers (50 kopecros), and in Eritrea — the most expensive. In Iran, gasoline prices are slightly higher than in the former Soviet republic and make up 9 centers, in Libya — 13 centers, in Saudi Arabia — 16 centers per liter of fuel. Such low prices are explained by the fact that governments of countries with oil towers pay subsidies for gasoline.
In Russia, the cost of gasoline for 1 lithr is, on average, 77 centers, but gas prices are also constantly changing, although its quality leaves much to be desired, and the transport tax exists. Despite this, in Russia the cheapest gasoline among European countries according to RIA «Analytics», which studied 1l of 1l gasoline «AI — 95» (taking into account the recount of the currency of these countries into rubles at the official rate). As you know, the cost of gasoline is affected by the dollar and inflation. As of the 3rd quarter in Russia, the AI-95 liter cost about 28.2 rubles, in Belarus it was 29.6 rubles, and in Ukraine 41 rubles even higher.
On various sites on the Internet, information on real gasoline prices is published in countries exporting fuel, as well as selling it abroad. You can find not only the latest news there, but also the real information about where the cheapest gasoline in Russia, the change in prices for gas stations in Moscow and other regions and cities, you can find the type of fuel that interests you at the gas station with its location map.
Site visitors can send information to the site where the cheapest gasoline is sold on the pages of the description of gas stations or in the feedback form.
It is already known (according to the Federal State Statistics Service) that since the beginning of 2011 in Russia, prices increased by 14.6% in relation to December 2010. And in Moscow — only in October this year increased by almost 0.7%, although fuel manufacturers decreased by 1.2%.
By the regions of Ukraine, find out where the cheapest gasoline is sold is almost impossible due to the instability of the dollar and fuel deficiency. If in the Kharkov and Donetsk, Odessa and Lviv regions, as of November 24 of this year, gas prices were stabilized, then in the outbacks of other regions they increase due to the fault of some structures that create an artificial deficit to destabilize the hryvnia in the conditions of an unstable economic situation.