Often, owners of private houses are thinking about creating their veranda. And for this case they do not attract any firms, but carry out work on their own. This is logical, because the veranda can transform the outer appearance of the house and solve some practical problems. In addition, it will increase the useful area of the dwelling. And the independent construction of the veranda brings special satisfaction to the owners.
Features of construction
First you should solve the dilemma with materials. They must be combined, especially by temperature criteria. And here it is better to apply the same materials that are involved in the construction of the house. So, if your house is brick, then the wooden veranda is not suitable.
It is important to decide on the goals of the veranda. She can become an entrance to the house, be a summer dining room, greenhouse, or something else at your discretion. These goals affect the optimal parameters of the planned construction.
There are many discussions in terms of the length of the veranda. The position of some specialists: «The veranda must be arranged along the wall along the entire length». Others call the maximum length of 4-5 m.
With a width, the situation is not controversial: 3 m. Minor flaws are allowed. Otherwise the veranda will turn out too massive and ruin the appearance of the house.
The deadline for using the veranda is also significant: in some season or all year? These issues determine the level of insulation of this room and the logic of the formation of heating technology there.
The choice of the type of foundation depends on the intended load on the veranda and the properties of the soil. Since the room is created on an existing area, it is reasonable to apply a pile or columnar form. So you will minimize earthen operations and will not affect green landings and household communications.
Building a veranda with your own hands
The construction process begins with the seizure of the zone under the veranda. Before working with the foundation, find out what communications and cables take place here. Next, the designations of the points of the support are made. They are usually placed in the corners, in the areas of adjoining the future veranda to the house walls, and every 150-200 cm along its perimeter.
A layer of earth is removed throughout the arranged contour — 15 cm. So you exclude root vegetations and their possible development. Pour small crushed stone or PGS into this small recess and thoroughly compact it. These processes are implied only in the presence of supports. And the supports can serve as the following options:
screw piles;
brick pillars;
Metal pipes of impressive diameters;
Wooden logs, or large bars.
Which of these options is used, you need to additionally concrete it below.
It is important to take into account that the support frame will then join the supports. And the stronger its fastening will turn out, the more stable the whole structure will turn out. For these purposes, the installation of heads or a device of a metal pin is installed.
It is also important to check the upper sections of the support. Their necessary location is a horizontal plane. For verification, a long rail is used, to which the level is attached.
It is useful to build a grillage. Without it, under the veranda, you will get a garbage. And the floor of the veranda will always be cold.
For the installation of the support frame, a beam is used, which has previously passed good processing. In all samples, holes are preliminarily created. Then the pins fastened in the supports will go to them. So the workpieces during operation will be motionless.
It is necessary to assemble the frame from the installation of supporting pillars (elements) of the coming structure. In some cases, logs of impressive length are used. They are only suitable for veranda for the summer season.
What to apply when forming a veranda is a business business. Its financial potential and a conceived veranda design is important here. Usually, wood is used in its erection. There are pipe structures. They are finished with plastic materials.
Depending on the plan of the initiator of the construction, openings for windows and doors are arranged.
Tie the supports from above, implying the masonry of the roof. And here is the installation of a cellular crate or full flooring. You can lay a plywood at least 10 mm. thickness or plate MDF and chipboard. It is important to be based on the steepness of the slope. Its required minimum parameter is 40 degrees.
Further processes: lay the lags, black floor, process it superficially. In general, operations are already following here, even in many construction.
The methods of finishing and materials determine you yourself taking into account local conditions.
On the roof of the upcoming veranda, the solution is unequivocal: the same type of roof is applied as in the erection of the house.
If you own a small country house, and create a veranda to match it, then from a legal position you may have a minimum of questions or not to be at all. But if you have a solid house and the corresponding veranda, then it must be made legal. In general, you should confirm the ownership of it documented.
It is also better not to combine the house foundation with the base of the veranda. These premises are radically different in mass. As a result, there will be serious differences in the shrinkage. All wooden components should be thoroughly impregnated with the necessary drugs (anti -pires, antiseptics, varnishes, and so on)
It is curious that many owners do not use a traditional antiseptic, but replace it with machine oil. Only this oil should be worked out. The result is a good savings, and the practical effect is similar.