5.3 C
Воскресенье, 9 марта, 2025

The difficulties of hotel design

It would seem that the difference can be between the design of the hotel and the residential building? Each of these buildings is intended for the life of a large number of people and intensive operation, but there are still its nuances.

Features of the layout

First of all, it should be equipped not only for guests, but also maintenance personnel. Moreover, the premises should be at some distance from each other so that the guests can enjoy the vacation without interference.

The numbers should be united by a wide common corridor, and the so -called luxury (rooms uniting several residential premises) must be present). If possible, each number should be equipped with a bathroom, a shower (if you plan to build an economy class option, these premises are equipped on the floor and are available to all guests).

Do not forget that hotel design should take into account the need for trade and household zones. These include laundry, rooms for cleaning shoes, hairdressers, mail and other functional areas.

The arrangement of gaming zones, relaxation zones and cafeteria (dining room) will not be superfluous. But, as a rule, the presence of such a large number of premises implies a large -scale project, the implementation of which can be very costly.

It is also necessary to include several entrances to the project to the main entrance and to the economic zone, and they should not intersect. This is necessary so that service freight transport does not block the road to new guests.


In general, the hotel should not spoil the appearance of the city or village. Ideal when it organically flows into the surrounding landscape, making a single whole with it. At the same time, it is necessary to include the possibility of subsequent reconstruction of the building without prejudice to its operational qualities in the project. Again, the more original and attractive your structure will be in the end. The greater she has a chance to become popular.

It would not be superfluous to order architectural design of shopping centers that will be located near the hotel. Developed infrastructure is a prerequisite for the hotel in favor not only among vacationers, but also for those who come on business trips.

In the design process, you need to take a separate place to playgrounds and parking. These two elements will help you attract more guests to your hotel. The more such trifles will be included in the project, the more comfortable it will be in it to rest. But again, spending on the organization must correspond to potential benefits. For example, why build a gorgeous hotel with a restaurant and other additions if its location is geographically inconvenient? Or you can drive up to it exclusively by car with high landing? Everything should be not only attractive to customers, but also to be economical in maintenance, otherwise most of the profit will have to be spent on maintaining the structure in good condition.

The difficulties of hotel design

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