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Пятница, 7 марта, 2025

The essence and principle of operation of the voltage control relay


Among the elements of household electricians, the voltage relay took worthy. This is due to the fact that it is impossible to achieve a stable voltage in the mains — it “jumps” relative to the standard indicator, which is why the equipment connected to power at this time can simply “burn”. For this, the relay is used.

Thus, the voltage control relay is a device that does not allow overloading household and other electrical appliances (TVs, refrigerators, electrical boilers, etc. D.) by aligning the power with a sharp increase or lowering voltage in the network. A large selection of voltage relay can be found here.

Under what circumstances should the voltage control relay be set

It is established in case of emergency situations that can indirectly damage electrical equipment. Due to such problems, the voltage in your power grid can constantly or periodically change. There are several reasons in this context for using the relay:

A break in the air lines, as a result of which non -insulated wires can be in contact. The linear wire, getting to the neutral wire, can create a linear in 380V instead of 220V voltage.

Neutral cliff or damage, which can become fatal for electrical engineering and network. At this moment, the load can increase significantly in one phase, while the other will remain passive. Because of this, the voltage on the network can jump up to 380V, which is a serious danger to devices connected to power.

In case of significant removal of the transformer substation. Under such conditions, the voltage may fall during its distribution, decreasing to a critical level.

Skoros of a three -phase system. This can happen due to overload of one of the phases when the powerful consumer is turned on. To the phase in which the voltage fell, single-phase equipment can be connected, which can “burn” due to insufficient power.

The work of the device

To fulfill its purpose, the relay must determine when and how much there is a decrease or increase in voltage. To do this, in its device there is a special microcircuit, which monitors such changes and, in the case of critical indicators, gives a signal to align the voltage. This whole process occurs in a fraction of a second, so the jumps do not have time to harm the equipment.

Where it is used?

This device is used in residential buildings, commercial and industrial premises, where it is necessary to provide a constant voltage located at the same level and provide protection of electrical equipment.

Types of voltage control relay

Types are determined by several indicators:

For their intended purpose — household and industrial.

By the type of power consumer — single -phase and three -phase.

By the number of consumers — for one device, a whole group or for the whole house.

Also differ in the current force that can pass through themselves without loss of performance. The catalog of these devices from the famous brands is presented by this alkal.

Lightning protection using a relay

Voltage control relay when lightning enters is completely useless. Since in such circumstances the voltage jumps up to several thousand volts, and the relay is designed for a maximum of 400V. Therefore, you need to use the appropriate protection tool, for example, gas -filled discharge, which are installed along with grounding.

The voltage control relay with the right choice will perfectly protect electrical devices from voltage jumps when the zero breaks, phase distortion and other emergency situations.


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