8.7 C
Пятница, 7 марта, 2025

The seams between the panels

Very often in panel buildings, residents suffer from poorly executed sealing seams between panels. This is expressed by an increase in intra -apartment humidity, increased penetration of extraneous street noises, an increase in total temperature, which contributes to the speedy appearance of molds and an ambulance of wallpaper. As a result, fragmentary or extensive defects of wall design.

A similar alignment with a sad perspective can be prevented by high -quality sealing of interpanel compounds. And to perform such modernization is necessary both from the inside and outside.

It is worth clarifying that external work is very difficult, so it is better to entrust their implementation to qualified specialists who have experience and all the necessary tools. Internal sealing can be solidly performed on their own.

Seaming between panels

Technological features of sealing interpanel butt sutures

The technique of sealing the joints between the panels allows you to insulate tile contact seams. This favorably affects heat saving in the apartment, and also additionally protects structural elements from destruction (panels, ceilings, etc. p.). With high -quality performance, the result will immediately feel at the first cold or strong winds.

The technology of proper sealing of the seams between the contacting panels lies in:

breakdown of the old layers of finishing materials with a thorough cleaning of garbage particles and other fragmentation elements;

filling newly formed spaces between the ends of the plates;

finishing of suture areas with the arrangement of reliable waterproofing.

Consider each of the stages sequentially, with mandatory accents on the most important nuances.

«Cleaning» of suture spaces

First, you need to take care of a full, safe access to processed interpanel seams. For the first two floors, such a task is simple, and residents of the above floors are recommended to attract specialists.

Work begins with the removal of the old finishing layers. The actions here will be simplified if the old material has already cracked and partially crumbled. All manipulations must be done carefully. First, a perforator machine is involved with a spatular nozzle, and after removing the surface material, it is better to use a hammer, knife and chisel.

Explanation! The houses built during socialism, especially the panel type, did not differ in high -quality study and sealing of inter -seam spaces. For sealing, construction garbage was used: sawdust, small brick battle, pieces of pacley and other non -unnecessary!

After careful removal of the old finish, it is necessary to proceed with the cleaning of the inter -sequinus space. The entire previous rubber filler is removed from the cavity.

The stage should be completed with scrupulous cleaning of the surfaces inside the seams with a comfortable brush or brush followed by washing with a damp rag. This is necessary to obtain the highest quality, sustainable result.

Sealing the seam space with sealant

This method is optimal for filling small seams with a width of less than 2.0 cm. After preparing the interpanel gap, you should take a pre -acquired sealant and spatula for its application. The space between the ends of the plates is filled with a sealing mass with its periodic tamping by a working canvas of a spatula.

Using mounting foam

If the interpanel seam is very deep and large in width, mounting foam is used. In the current situation under consideration, a non -expanding composition should be used, since the foam increasing in the volume will significantly protrude beyond the seam level. This will require additional time and effort in cutting lights of foamed polyurethane to the required depth.

Important! It is difficult to control the sealant foaming with the expansion of the volume in narrow spaces, especially in interpanel seams. To create a high -quality finishing of the facade, it is necessary that the level of the suture aggregate is somewhat buried in relation to the plane of the wall!

The installation foam with volumetric expansion is best used to seal wide, deep spaces. In such situations, you often have to apply foam in several layers of two or three approaches.

The foam is applied to well -cleaned walls of space, however, preliminary moisturizing the wall material for better adhesion of polyurethane sealant is required.

Large interpanel sutures are recommended to be primarily before applying a foaming composition. Fill the opening between the panels carefully and with a slight excess, since this event determines the quality of the sealing.

After a day (depending on the quality and brand of the mounting foam), when the foamed material grabs sufficiently, you can proceed to the implementation of the finish.

Finishing work on interpanel seams

In the field of sealing, it is better to finish with a cement composition with an admixture of glue. Such a mixture is used in tile masonry. Such material is able to form high -quality adhesion to the tile surface, which will prevent its cracking. The cement-red mixture is applied to the surface of the frozen layer of mounting foam or hardened sealant.

An important nuance! Performing such work, it is necessary to take into account the peculiarity — the seam finish should be located in the same plane from the surface of the plates. There should not be any deviations outward or inside!

In addition, the consistency of the cement mortar should be controlled. There should be no excessive density to make high -quality adhesion (clutch) with a layer of insulating material, and also unacceptable rarity, otherwise the composition will strive to drain down. Upon completion of work, you need to wait a day (at least 19 hours) so that the cement-red finish is able to dry enough. Now you can confidently take the waterproofing of the seam.

Waterproofing seams between contacting panels

Contact seams are the weakest place in any building structures, which necessitates special attention to their waterproofing. The implementation of such a procedure is necessary, since it is through seams that moisture can quickly penetrate the rooms.

For a long time, the waterproofing procedure was considered an incredibly difficult and painstaking task. In modern construction, the indicated problem is absent and any seam (width, configuration, depth) is easily led to reliable, high -quality waterproofing.

Before work, you should decide on the plan of action and the set of the necessary materials for use in the processing of the seams. The master, as a rule, independently elects the method of installation of waterproofing and selects the building materials he needs. The choice is determined by the following factors:

the average monthly temperature in the room;

the value of the load effect on the target seam;

the possibility of direct contact with the ground.

Just 15 years ago, the insulation procedure was carried out through all kinds of improvised means, for example, technical stump ropes were popular, which plunged into suture gaps and concrete on the outside. Innovative tactics are more optimized — the suture cavities are prepared in advance and fully filled with materials with waterproofing characteristics.

Attention! Surveillance waterproofing is necessary in such cases:

High -quality waterproofing in large -panel buildings was not previously created;

expired permissible operational period of protective fillers;

The progressive spread of dampness from the contacts of panels begins!

The last feature is an extremely significant problem requiring speedy repair correction.

First, it is necessary to completely remove the entire insulating aggregate from the seam cavity, and clean the walls of the space from the old mastic, a crumbling solution, paint, etc. p. This is done by mechanical knocking out or stroke.

After cleaning, regardless of the complexity of the internal relief, the wall walls are thoroughly primed with good waterproofing indicators. The soil will contribute to the better adhesion and the structural stability of the fastened materials, which will prevent cracking with a filler shower.

Upon achieving a full drying of the primer, the waterproofing of interpanel seams is required. It is better to perform it using special polyethylene linings or construction foams.

Having completed waterproofing, it is necessary to gently apply a special sealant or mastic. This should be done so that the surface of the seam is slightly bent inside. Not to allow the formation of tubercle -shaped protrusions. Using a spatula or gun, the mouth of the junction is completely filled.

Significant! When waterproofing work on interpanel seams is carried out outside the building, you need to completely glue the entire protective film on top of the sealant!

For the quality of the work, all actions should be performed in warm (sunny), dry weather. The whole procedure is carried out in 2-3 days.

The main task of the sealing insulation of the seam spaces between the end surfaces of the slabs in the panel house or in a certain section of its walls was made. It remains to restore the facing coating and the work will be completely completed.


The above actions to replace insulating material in interpanel seams are a very responsible matter that does not allow any oversight and inaccuracies. If you carry out work carelessly, using poor -quality materials can seriously aggravate the situation that will entail major financial losses, conflicts with neighbors and problems with utilities.

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