The transportation of goods is now incredibly in demand in comprehensive areas of business service. It is not surprising, since intercity transportation is the most important means to ensure diverse processes, an incentive for the development of trade. Since demand gives rise, of course, a proposal, the development of any company regularly requires new points, sales markets. Thanks to the network, information about products, they will find out in a timely manner in distant points of the power, while without a good carrier, capable of quickly, clearly, carefully put the ordered goods to the consumer, it is extremely difficult. Thanks to the obvious introduction of logistics services into the business world, called to rationally promote all kinds of products for the final buyer from manufacturers, the transportation of goods now has become the most efficient. Highly qualified logists solve diverse problems, calculate the optimal route, take into account criteria such as transported cargo, contract with consumers, delivery period. They provide literally everything: operations of proper unloading, loading goods, favorable for the products of direct transportation conditions, the most reliable, compact method of packaging, insurance, the need for armed support, other actions. Based on the type of goods, its dimensions, volume and other things, appropriate transport is selected. In addition to this fleet of transport companies, today by modern cars that meet the proper international standards regarding the quality of intercity transportation, which are held timely maintenance.