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Пятница, 7 марта, 2025

what to do if there is no water in the water supply, how to crash into a pipe under pressure

For each person distant from knowledge in plumbing, the water supply in the apartment is simply a set of pipes and cranes that are mounted into the walls. And water from the tap appears with a light rotation of the valve and it is impossible to imagine the case that the tap is turned on, and there simply is no water! But in fact, water communications are a complex structure that does not tolerate unprofessional intervention and does not forgive errors during installation.

It is necessary to take into account all the features that will subsequently greatly affect its effectiveness.

One main characteristic that affects the quality of further operation is the pressure in water pipes in an apartment, the standards of which are far from always observed.

The comfort of hygiene procedures and the possibility of connecting and unhindered use of a number of household appliances completely depends on this indicator.

General characteristics

If we talk about the water supply system in the apartment, which is connected to the centralized line, then according to regulatory documents, the pressure must comply with indicators in 4 atmospheres.

In reality, it is naturally not always supported at the right level and can fluctuate from a minimum critical point of 2.5 atmospheres (in this case, the stream does not rise to some apartments and they simply do not have water), to the maximum of 7.5.

If the pressure drops to a minimum critical point, then the inhabitants of the apartment notice that there is no water in the water supply, since when the crane is turned on, gurgling sounds or water pressure will be minimal.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that if the pressure in the water supply exceeds the maximum permissible indicator, then a strong pressure of water can disable the technique sensitive to an increased pressure drop and even the pipeline itself (especially the ceramic valves and connecting plastic elements).

Therefore, looking for components for replacing the water supply network, it is better to purchase elements that can withstand excess pressure and withstand the hydraulic drives with sharp jumps.

It is important not just to know how to crash into a plastic tap pipe or metal, you need to purchase suitable elements for the work of this type that there is no question later, why there is no water at home.

All acquired faucets, taps, pumps, valves, etc. D. must correspond to the above characteristics and reflect the attack by high pressure.

During the purchase, it is worth considering that annually representatives of utilities will check the work of water communication and at this time the pressure can reach 10 atmospheres. It is important to know what elements, it is possible to install without welding, and where you can not do without it.

The pressure of the water supply in the apartment for the work of household appliances

For uninterrupted normal functioning of household appliances, it will be required that the liquid in a plastic connecting pipe enters a certain pressure.

If there is no water, then the equipment is stopped. If we take into account that several sources of consumption (shower, jacuzzi, washing and dishwasher, etc. p.), then the minimum acceptable pressure of 2.5 atmosphere will not be enough.

It is desirable that it does not fall below 5-6 atmospheres, and the pressure at each output of the exit was not less than 1.5 bar. Otherwise, do not be surprised why there is no water in the tap.

Installation of a steel water supply in an apartment without overlapping a highway

There are situations when it is required to install or replace the water supply network under pressure. You can proceed to the implementation of such work only by observing all safety rules, and having studied all the subtleties of this process.

Answer the question of how to crash into a plastic water pipeline or metal simply.

It should be noted that today the metal water supply or plastic is most often used, so it is worth considering separately each option.

Below is the installation circuit for a metal tap system where you can’t do without welding:

in the place where the hole will be made, the pipe is pre -cleaned, removing the insulating layer;

The dialing is welded to the main pipe, to which the valve and equipment for the cutter subsequently join. It is worth checking the quality of the weld, if necessary, it must be fraught with excluding the leak;

A cutter is inserted and a hole of a suitable size is drilled;

The equipment for drilling is dismantled, but before that, check that the valve is closed;

cover with anti -corrosion coating and insulate.

Here is one of the most common methods how to crash into a water supply under pressure from steel components.

How to crash without welding

To insert the pipe in a steel water supply system, it will be necessary to use welding, but the welding machine is not cheap pleasure, and not everyone can independently carry out such work with high quality even if all the corresponding components have.

What to do if you need to do the inspection, but there is no way to use a welding machine or unacceptable in the apartment for welding?

After all, the replacement of the pipe in the apartment, the installation of meters, filters cannot be carried out without a preliminary connection of these elements with existing tap communication.

Let’s look at several ways to crash without welding. It is worth considering that you can crash into the plastic pipeline in the apartment just without the use of welding.

It is better to use the tee, it will allow you to get several branches at once and carry out high -quality wiring without welding.

If the work is carried out in metal communication, then it is worth finding the connection place, remove it, stretch the pipes and shorten them a little by the size of the installed part.

Naturally, these work will require the first to block the flow of water. No water — there will be a high -quality installation of the tee.

How to crash under pressure without welding

In order to insert in the apartment under pressure without overlapping water, you will need to purchase or rent a special device in order to plunge the pipe in such a situation.

This process is practically identical to the insert of an additional pipe into a plastic tap pipe.

We clean the surface of the pipe at the place where the insulating layer is removed. Note that the cross section of the withdrawal should be less than the cross -section of the supply pipe. Otherwise, in the process of sparkling, it can burst.

The flange with the output is attached to the supply pipe and is fixed with it with it, using the clamp (without welding). A valve and a drilling device are attached to the flange.

The valve is installed in open form. In it we start a cutter of the required diameter, thus producing a hole. Equipment for drilling carefully remove and overlap the water flow with a slide from the installed pipe

Thus, you can crash into a steel water supply without welding, and now we will dwell on polypropylene products in more detail.

Installation of a plastic pipeline in an apartment without overlapping a highway

Many experts have long decided that plastic is more practical and profitable material for the water supply system.

To date, more and more users are abandoning steel pipes that are corroded and leaks, in favor of plastic. And they are interested in the question of how to crash into a plastic pipe.

The processing of plastic components is much easier, and their price is cheaper. If we talk about the inspection, then it is easily carried out, the main thing is to stock up on all the necessary materials and tools, so that in the toga not to think why there is no water in the system.

You can cut part of the water supply and install the tee for wiring, however, if the structure is at the end of the wall, then such an operation will be performed quite problematic.

It is not very desirable to violate the integrity of the pipe coating, so it is better to use another method. For its implementation, you will need to prepare:

part of the pipe with a pipe, which during the installation will become the main part of the curved flanger;

a drill with a nozzle, which is used to make a hole;

special glue for sealing joints;

any sealant, for better sealing the connection of the challenge;

A few clamps for fixing the pipe.

The process of insertion

When all the elements for work are prepared, you can start. For this, the pipe is cut longitudinally so that it can smoothly connect to the main pipeline.

Using the drill, drill a hole of a suitable size (according to the made pipe) and apply to the opening, so that the result is a plastic workpiece. Connecting joints are covered with meter glue.

The flange on the reverse side must be tightened with clamps, and a rubber seal or sleeve of cotton wool is inserted into the pipe itself. Now the compacted nest can be installed in its place.

Another effective way to crash into the water supply is to use the structure consisting of a pair of clamps with a hole for drilling, into which the crane is inserted without welding. This design is called a saddle.

This device allows you to insert an additional element into the water system at any pressure of the distilled liquid.

No special skills for using the structure are required other than attentiveness and concentration. In such a case, a rush is not needed.

It often happens that the branching of the already existing tap system is required by the method of inserting and if this is done correctly, then the pressure in the water pipes in the apartment will not interfere with the high -quality branching.

As you can see, the methods used differ in the material from which pipes are made from pressure in the system.

We also note the fact that steel water systems today can be found very rarely and therefore, the recommendations are most often used regarding inserts into plastic systems.

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