4.1 C
Среда, 8 января, 2025

Whoever stiffs cars, or what type of personalities should be afraid?

According to experts, there is no such threatening statistics anywhere regarding the level of car thefts.

As they explain, this is due, first of all, with the fact that in Russia there is no relevant legislation in this area that would punish criminals and scammers who have entered your car according to merits, except that only the crimes caught in the place … so how to recognize a potential hijacker And beware of him in advance? Usually all hijackers are divided into three groups. The first is non -professional. In most cases, they only spoil the locks, and the most that they are capable of is to open the door and ineptly connect the ignition wires, taking everything that lies badly. The second category of hijackers is the middle link, mechanics are professionals. They almost always take with them a spare battery, liquid nitrogen, wires, trumps, t. e. All that you can remove and take home with you as a warning from this hijacking, and they are to replace them.

Professionals can quickly navigate in place, determine the place of the secret or switch of the electric circuit, as well as remove various devices for the steering wheel, pedals, etc. D. The third category includes already professional hijackers, which, as a rule, are equipped with the latest technology, modern electronics achievements and other similar devices that can suppress and decipher all your installed codes. Such superprofessions are not exchanged for cheap cars or middle -class cars, they are most often interested in expensive, luxury cars.

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